C-Capture featured in global state-of-the-art CCS tech compendium

C-Capture’s patented, solvent-based solution for capturing carbon dioxide from emissions is featured in a new round up of state-of-the-art carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies from across the globe.

C-Capture’s innovative, next generation carbon capture technology is showcased in the State of the Art: CCS Technologies 2023 report, released this week by the Global CCS Institute. The report provides insight into the latest advancements in CCS worldwide and includes details of 45 state-of-the-art technologies.

Tom White, CEO, C-Capture, said, “C-Capture’s solution is a gamechanger for industries looking to decarbonise their processes and we’re delighted to be featured as a global, state-of-the-art technology for carbon capture. Based on fundamentally different chemistry to other commercially available solutions, C-Capture’s proprietary next generation carbon capture tech is a true innovation in the sector that is amine free. This means it is environmentally benign, uses less energy and is lower cost. The advantages of our solution creates the potential for our solvent to break through the barriers that are currently preventing the widespread adoption of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology to mitigate the impacts of climate change.”

The full technical report can be downloaded free of charge on the Global CCS Institute’s website.  To discuss how C-Capture’s innovative solution can decarbonise your business, please contact our Commercial Manager, Greg Searle at