International Women’s Day 2021

C-Capture’s diversity and inclusion strategy is at the heart of our strategic objectives. We want to create an inclusive culture where all forms of diversity are seen as a real opportunity to create value for the company. We champion differing approaches and points of view. It fuels our innovation – bringing us closer to achieving our company vision of producing the most energy efficient carbon capture solution..

To mark International Women’s Day, we are showcasing the work of two of our brightest chemists – Rose McCarthy and Lucy Bedborough

Portrait of Lucy Bedborough and Rose McCarthy at C-Capture
Rose McCarthy and Lucy Bedborough

Rose McCarthy (pictured, left) joined C-Capture as a Carbon Capture Chemist in 2018 after graduating from the University of Nottingham. Rose is currently studying the fundamental chemical and physical properties of C-Capture’s innovative solvent in the in-house laboratory at the company’s base in Leeds, work which is vital for the company’s success in scaling up its carbon capture process. 

Rose said, “Working at C-Capture is rewarding because I can see the positive impact my work will have on mitigating the effects of climate change, and how it can help us achieve our goal of net zero by 2050”.

Lucy Bedborough (pictured, right) joined the C-Capture chemistry team in 2019, having graduated from the nearby Leeds University, where she completed a Master’s research project supervised by C-Capture’s founder Professor Chris Rayner. Lucy’s work at C-Capture helps develop and build upon its innovative carbon capture technology.

Lucy said, “I wanted to become a scientist from a young age. After studying amine-free compounds to capture carbon dioxide in my Master’s project, my interest in this area became clear. I have had some fantastic opportunities whilst working for C-Capture, including supporting a project which involved deployment of our technology at the SINTEF Tiller pilot facility in Norway.”

C-Capture’s Head of Chemistry Dr Douglas Barnes said, “The work Rose and Lucy are carrying out in the lab is of fundamental importance to the development of our technology, it underpins everything we do. From improving absorption rates, understanding solvent behaviour and informing the process model, their hard work helps drive improvements in a technology which has the potential to make a real difference to the world’s fight against climate change.”